Navigate to a link other than the start url

Hi, i am looking to navigate to another website in the script at a certain point, is there a way to do it?

@theoplecremoli1998 Hello, yes it is technically possible but if the structure of the targeted websites differentiates, you would most likely need to create multiple selector variants.

Thank you. How can i implement it in my sitemap?

@theoplecremoli1998 You can make multiple selector variants by splitting with comma - ,.

For example, to extract images from website 1 and website 2, knowing that they are completely different structure-wise:

div.slick-slide > img, div.product-thumb img

But, certainly would not recommend that.

What I want to achieve is after scrapping 15 records, I want the scrapper to chrome://settings/siteData?search=cookies and clear all cookies, that is why I'm trying to navigate to another URL other than the start URL

@theoplecremoli1998 Can you share your sitemap or the targeted website/s?

Here's the sitemap:

{"_id":"scrapper","startUrl":["",""],"selectors":[{"clickElementSelector":"button.reply-button","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText","clickType":"clickMore","delay":2000,"discardInitialElements":"do-not-discard","id":"reply-button","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"button.reply-button","type":"SelectorElementClick"},{"clickElementSelector":"","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText","clickType":"clickMore","delay":"45000","discardInitialElements":"do-not-discard","id":"show-email","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"","type":"SelectorElementClick"},{"delay":0,"extractAttribute":"value","id":"email","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"input.anonemail","type":"SelectorElementAttribute"},{"delay":0,"id":"carname","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"regex":"","selector":"body > section > section > section > div.mapAndAttrs > p:nth-child(2) > span > b","type":"SelectorText"}]}

The targeted site is craigslist cars section, after scrapping 5 or 10 urls. I want it it to clear browser cookies


Are you trying to circumvent the obligatory CAPTCHA prompt that way?

That is quite out of the scope from what the current funcionality of the extension offers.

Alright, thank you very much