Cannot find the links to be clicked

I am having a few problems when trying to scrape info from this NFT page:

  1. The product links are not selectable, I do not know how to set up a selector that goes into each one.

  2. Besides, when clicked, the links open in a new tab. How can I manage to extract info from them?

  3. the main image link in each product page seems to be not reachable by any selector either

@Pablo_Gonzalez Hello.

The product links are ID-based so you could set up a predefined page range interval pagination based on the ID number and you should be able to extract the image by using an 'Image' selector - span.lazy-load-image-loaded > img.


{"_id":"binance-com","startUrl":["[9477921-9477925]&isProduct=1"],"selectors":[{"delay":0,"id":"product-image","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["page-scroll"],"selector":"span.lazy-load-image-loaded > img","type":"SelectorImage"},{"delay":2000,"id":"page-scroll","multiple":true,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"html","type":"SelectorElementScroll"}]}

Hi. Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I had noticed that and I already had something tested with that in mind. However, the thing is I want to scrape the items that are shown filtered as "most favourited" by the page. 99.9% of the items scraped in bulk just using ID end up being irrelevant.