Scrape/get/export the data in chrome incognito window

Hi Team,


in chrome incognito window->start webscraper to run->the popup windows are still being in the normal window version, which result in the data being the same as in the normal window;


  1. why i have to run in chrome incognito window?
    the answer: i want to export the different data(compared with in the normal window);

  2. then why not change the extension(s)(on & off) in the normal window to make the difference?
    the answer: good question, can do it in that way, however, just the same reason as google chrome wants to design the incognito window out, directly in the incognito window will make the whole process simpler and more conveniently in these ways:
    2.1 without needing to change each potential extension(s) status (on & off) manually and change it back and forth.
    2.2 without the cookie/cache impact back and forth.

in chrome normal window->start webscraper to run->the popup windows being in the normal window version(get the data in normal window);
in chrome incognito window->start webscraper to run->the popup windows being in the incognito window version(get the data in incognito window);

thanks for the investigation and possible optimisation.

can any one update this point a bit?
