Sitemaps not accessible or run anything

Web Scraper version: 0.3.3
Chrome version: 63.0.3239.84
OS: Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.2

Things were working beautifully but stopped since the last update in late December.

Any help would be great as I really loved the extension!


{id:"my sitemap"}

Error Message:

initial configuration i
background_script.js:24 initializing Background Script message listener
background_script.js:24 content script error Object {"status":404,"name":"not_found","message":"missing","reason":"missing"}

Can you check when exactly this error appears? Is it appearing when you open developer tools?

Are you using CouchDB for storage?

No - localstorage.

It's in console when I check the extensions page.

Essentially, it was all working fine until the last update. Can you not roll it back until stable?

It seems that you local storage might have gotten somehow corrupted. This doesn't mean that it was caused by the extension. Instead it might be caused by something else. Can you follow instructions from another thread to see whether you can access sitemaps directly and export them. Probably the easiest solution for you would be to export the sitemaps and reinstall the extension.

Note that there have been only two people who had problems accessing their sitemaps. Probably thousands of people have already accessed them through the new version.