Selecting but not scraping all items on the page

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I'm trying to scrape all links for a zillow page . There are 26 detail pages and I can see on testing that 26 have been selected. But only 9 subpages are being scraped . I have changed the pageload delay, but no change. what am I doing wrong?

Url: 82930 Real Estate - 82930 Homes For Sale | Zillow

`{"_id":"test1","startUrl":["82930 Real Estate - 82930 Homes For Sale | Zillow div.list-card-top > a","multiple":true,"delay":8000},{"id":"price","parentSelectors":["123"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":" div.ds-summary-row-container > div > div","multiple":false,"delay":0,"regex":""},{"id":"acres","parentSelectors":["123"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":" div.ds-summary-row-container > div > div","multiple":false,"delay":0,"regex":""}]}'

hey bro. i have the same issue as yours. I can only scrape 9 data on zillow but when i check data preview it should give me 40 datas. Have you sorted your issue? Please reply and teach me please. thanks

Sorry, I don't know what to do, let me know if you find anything out please.

@opt @cbeceril01 Hi, there's a template sitemap available for this website at Web Scraper (Community sitemaps).